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District Leadership  |  School Districts  |  School Leadership  |  Teachers

Rising Student Absenteeism: We Need to Change the Way We Do Things

Schools across the country are grappling with fewer students in classrooms, causing a ripple effect on learning, funding, and engagement. Research shows that the number of chronically absent students has nearly doubled, from about 15 percent in the 2018-2019 school year to around 30 percent in 2021-2022. Millions of students miss 10% of the school year or more—whether excused or unexcused—and substantial increases in chronic absenteeism were prevalent across every state that captures this data. The research results imply that an additional 6.5 million students became chronically absent in the ‘21-’22 school year, on top of the millions of students who were chronically absent before the pandemic. Because of the correlation between attendance and learning, this uptick in absenteeism has grave consequences for student growth. In states like Texas, where school funding is tied to attendance, it also creates financial constraints.

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Classrooms  |  District Leadership  |  EdTech  |  School Districts  |  Teachers

5 Reasons Why Education Leaders Need to Consider AI

Imagine a new educational paradigm: virtual tutors provide real-time assistance, ensuring no students are left behind. Interactive simulations and virtual reality experiences engage learners in immersive educational adventures, making lessons come alive. Teachers collaborate to analyze student performance data, enabling targeted interventions and fostering a supportive and dynamic learning environment. The synergy between educators and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances academic outcomes and nurtures a generation empowered by limitless possibilities!

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Classrooms  |  Teachers

Another change!?!?: Three Considerations for Selecting High-Quality Instructional Materials

When asked what my favorite story is, one of the first titles that pops into my mind is Hamlet. But Hamlet is not my favorite story - not even close. I like it, sure, but the reason it pops into my head is because it was one of my favorite units in high school. The brilliant educator Ms. Nelson thoughtfully designed the unit, and the experience still resides in my mind twenty years later. As educators, we are obsessed with the content we put in front of our students. A thoughtfully crafted and rigorous curriculum can transform lives, and our lessons can make waves decades into the future. Because of its impacts, we must be thoughtful when considering changes in the curriculum we put in front of our students. Education Elements supports the implementation of High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIMs), and our previously published guide provides a comprehensive view of HQIMs. If your organization is thinking of implementing a new curriculum, here are three things to consider:

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Blog Feature

Classrooms  |  Teachers

Strategies for Supporting English Language Learners

Having worked in Title 1 schools for almost a decade, I had the privilege of being surrounded by language learners in all my classrooms. It proved to be a humbling, eye-opening, and fascinating experience in many different ways. Because state laws required my classrooms to be conducted only in English, I prioritized creating spaces where students of color and from varied cultural backgrounds could share the best of their communities through experiential learning, project based units, and narrative writing. In challenging political and educational climates, educators hold the power to create classrooms which allow students to shine in ways that are true to themselves, their families, and their communities and to support them in developing their unique identities. Students are the greatest assets to diverse learning environments, and they bring many experiences, cultural backgrounds, and languages to their classrooms. While it is up to the educator to provide space for these students to bloom and grow, one of the greatest and most common challenges in facilitating these spaces is in supporting English language learners (ELLs). Providing these students with the tools and resources they need can be daunting, especially when working to personalize learning and differentiate in other ways. While a bilingual classroom is preferable for language learners of all kinds, this blog offers support for teachers delivering instruction in English in classrooms with ELLs.

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Blog Feature

District Leadership  |  School Leadership  |  Teachers

3 Strategies for Leading and Living With a Gratitude Mindset

I recently returned to work from parental leave after adding a healthy and happy baby to our now family of four. My parental leave included a multitude of experiences, ranging from the tranquility of morning stroller walks to the inevitable sleepless nights, and from supporting our toddler in adapting to the arrival of the new baby to the constant rhythm of diaper changes. This period also included the adventure of a 6-state road trip, bringing forth a spectrum of emotions including joy, love, frustration, overwhelm, and sheer exhaustion. As my family and I enter this new phase of our lives, we are navigating unfamiliar, and at times, choppy waters. Amidst the shifts, trials, and uncertainties that accompany change, I have consistently sought solace and steadiness in a mindset grounded in gratitude. In order to ensure that thankfulness has staying power, regardless of what life has in store, consider applying one of these three strategies to lead and live with a gratitude mindset.

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Blog Feature

School Leadership  |  Teachers

Embracing Wellness: Starting the School Year with a Focus on Well-Being

As schools and school districts strive to foster academic excellence and student achievement, teachers and school leaders often set aside their personal care. However, educator well-being is vital to the health and success of any educational environment. Educators who are well-supported can focus on what they do best – inspiring and guiding students. By fostering healthy and supportive environments in schools by prioritizing the implementation of practical strategies for self-care and stress management, you can achieve transformational positive impacts for educators and students.

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