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What to Expect Working With Us

At Education Elements, we believe that a curriculum is much larger than a textbook. We believe a curriculum should be rigorous, develop conceptual understanding of content and skills, and integrate learners' cultures and identities. Materials that have these characteristics empower learners to build critical awareness of themselves, their communities, and the world. Transformational learning occurs when there is alignment between the intentional design and use of high quality instructional materials.

Through our audit and review process, we empower teachers and leaders to ensure that curriculum focuses on grade level standards and the learners experiencing it. We believe that a high quality curriculum must meet criteria for core instructional components, content, and context-specific priorities.

Curriculum Methodolgy Framework

Our approach is two tier:

Curriculum Strategy materials blueThe Materials Audit
Our team of content experts look at curricular materials and create a readout with strengths, opportunities, and next steps; districts gain understanding of the extent to which curriculum meets the criteria for High Quality Instructional Materials. 

Curriculum Strategy analysis blueCulturally Responsive Guided Review + Analysis
Our team will partner with a local committee of school and district leaders, teachers, students, and families to design and facilitate experiences that illuminate strengths, opportunities, and next steps for materials with a culturally responsive lens.

As a result of our audit, you will have information to be able to interpret, analyze, and adjust practices based on findings. Following these decisions, Education Elements can support districts and schools in building and adjusting the systems and enabling conditions that are needed to put curriculum in action.

Success Stories

Curriculum Implementation at Fresno thumbnail
Curriculum Implementation at Rochester thumbnail
Curriculum Implementation at Roosevelt thumbnail
Fresno Unified School District has partnered with Education Elements since 2018 to bring Personalized Learning to the district as a way to prepare students with knowledge and skills to navigate a digitally-infused, dynamic, and interconnected world.

Rochester School District, located in suburban New Hampshire, has been working with Education Elements since 2016 to help strengthen its personalized learning practice while achieving a consistent curriculum for K-5 schools.

Roosevelt Union Free School District began working with Education Elements in 2021 to develop a comprehensive reopening plan during the pandemic and the work deepened to include imagining a new teaching and learning process using high quality instructional materials.

"Ed Elements' honesty and their ability to help us map out a plan was what we really needed. They're able to really challenge us to think outside the box and move further."

Rosalie Daca
Rosalie Daca

Chief Academic Officer
Racine Unified School District, WI

At Education Elements, we believe that implementing a curriculum is not just about processes, but it's also about the people. Processes and people work together to build alignment, enabling the instructional core to attain the desired outcomes.  Investing in the process and multiple stakeholder groups requires domain expertise, strong project management and change management skills.

This results in tighter alignment to district vision, desired outcomes + experiences: instructional core.

School Teams, Mentors, Coaches, Principals:

bullet checkmark 2Provide direct support, act as pulse sensors, monitor for baseline
bullet checkmark 2Mostly classroom level interactions
bullet checkmark 2Provide input/requests for ongoing adjustments

Coordinators, Assistants:

bullet checkmark 2Create structures, resources, training
bullet checkmark 2Identify trends to adjust resources and support strategies
bullet checkmark 2Lead 6 year process, Fall + Spring adjustment, support ongoing responsiveness

Director, Superintendents:

bullet checkmark 2Facilitate setting of direction, philosophy, goals
bullet checkmark 2Create policy, allocate resources
bullet checkmark 2Director leads 6 year revamp process

Curriculum Strategy process 1
Addressing Academic Gaps through PL

The rate at which students are learning has decreased since the pandemic with even greater gaps between various groups. While many hoped with more time students would recover, data shows students are still behind. Learn how quality instruction can support students in their learning regardless of their starting point. 

Personalized Learning addressing gaps
Personalized Learning aligning instruction
Aligning Instruction through PL

Whether looking for strategies and approaches to vertical, horizontal or standards alignment – many districts are looking for ways to ensure a consistent, comprehensive and linear experience for students moving through K-12. Learn how Personalized Learning can support your district in coordinating instructional alignment within and between grade bans.

Addressing Student Engagement through PL

Districts nationwide are wrestling with the challenge of student engagement. Be it due to the pandemic or challenges that predate COVID-19, students are finding it difficult to focus, engage in work, and feel connected to their classrooms and school environments. Learn how Personalized Learning can re-engage students and provide a learning experience that every student wants to be a part of. 

Personalized Learning addressing engagement
Personalized Learning reducing absenteeism
Reducing Absenteeism & Increasing Enrollment Through PL

Schools across the country are grappling with fewer students in classrooms, causing a ripple effect on learning, funding, and engagement. Learn how Quality Instruction through Personalized Learning can support you in re-engaging chronically absent students and make your schools more competitive. 

Curriculum Strategy Resources


white paper

Align Curriculum Goals with Personalized Learning Vision



A Comprehensive Guide to High Quality Instructional Materials

learn more


Six Ways Instructional Leaders Can Support Curriculum Implementation

Read More



A Simple Guide To Adopting A New Curriculum

Watch Video

Ready to develop your districts curriculum strategy?