Rochester School District, NH
Rochester School District (RSD), an 11-school district serving 4,400 students in suburban New Hampshire.
How Rochester School District strengthened its personalized learning practice while achieving a consistent curriculum for K-5 schools.
Rochester School District (RSD), an 11-school district serving 4,400 students in suburban New Hampshire.
In the past, teachers would often spend hours after school creating their own lessons, searching for instructional materials and assessments. In some ways this allowed creativity and customization, but it led to a lack of consistency in the student experience and learning between Rochester’s classrooms and among it’s schools — and, critically, it led to exhausted teachers.
Education Elements met with the publisher of the new materials and the RSD team to align understanding and to begin designing personalized learning strategies that teachers could use with the curriculum. Each school at RSD had PL leaders who got trained by Ed Elements. Those leaders in turn trained teachers at their schools during weekly early release sessions. There were also half- and full-day PD sessions at the district, with recorded sessions available for asynchronous teacher learning. Education Elements collaborated with teacher trainers to help RSD strengthen its personalized learning practice while achieving a consistent curriculum for K-5 schools.
“We now can see a coherent approach throughout our K-5 schools. Teachers know what they are teaching and where their kids should be, AND there is student engagement and data-driven, personalized instruction,” said Heidi Zollman. The new reading core program has shown immediate jumps in student success, especially with the younger students. In the National mCLASS Comparison: BOY to MOY 21-22, the number of students at or above national benchmark increased across all 4 grade-levels. This is especially impressive in light of the disruptions to schooling during the COVID pandemic.
Heidi Zollman
Director of Elementary Education Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Coach
Rochester School District