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What to Expect Working With Us

In-Depth Training
In-Depth Training & Actionable Frameworks

We equip educators with instructional frameworks that are applicable across -and- specific to grade levels, subject areas, and demographics. We provide educators with strategies that can be implemented right away as well as establish long-term goals to work toward in the classroom. 

Professianl Learning
Not Your Typical Professional Learning Experience

This is not your run-of-the-mill professional development. Through our unique, high energy, and personable approach to professional development, educators are re-engaged at every level to apply fresh practices in their classrooms. We engage educators through each step, ensuring momentum & progress.

Measurable Impact
Measurable Impact

We support your team in creating a plan to collect data through learning walks, data dashboards, and our Tripod research-validated surveys. Our tools provide you with ongoing measurement of effectiveness and fidelity, and give you concrete data about improvement and student achievement.

Proven Methodology
Proven Methodology with Room for Customization

We have worked with hundreds of districts nationwide to implement effective Personalized Learning strategies, and all the while tailor the approach to align with your district-specific goals, technologies, and needs. 

Success Stories

Atlanta Public Schools aims to normalize personalized learning district-wide, moving towards an approach that values equity and individualized education for every student today and in the years to come.

Throughout the 2023-24 school year, a pilot group of teachers from across Jamestown Public Schools began piloting personalized instruction thanks to a collaboration with Education Elements. In March, the pilot group spent an afternoon at the National Comedy Center to learn more about personalizing experiences.

As the 15th largest district in the country, Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) was faced with keeping up with the demands of a rapidly growing population. WCPSS worked with Education Elements to design a new “personalized learning school” from the ground up, with a fresh approach to traditional structures and processes along the way.

"Ed Elements' honesty and their ability to help us map out a plan was what we really needed. They're able to really challenge us to think outside the box and move further."

Rosalie Daca testimonial
Rosalie Daca

Chief Academic Officer
Racine Unified School District, WI

We have a deep bench of experts, resources, and measurement tools to support your district in strengthening the quality of your instruction. We use student experience data to drive the decisions we make using a tool which is proven to measure effective teaching and academic gains. Our resources and tools will be yours to use into perpetuity. With one investment, your teaching staff will be equipped with the mindset and tools for effective instruction well beyond the scope of our work with you.

Personalized Learning at District 197
Personalized Learning at ECSD Middletown
Personalized Learning at Emerald City Schools
Personalized Learning addressing gaps
      • Develop and articulate a district vision and strategy for personalized learning
      • Support schools with high quality professional development for teachers around personalized learning
      • Measure your district's progress through the frame of fidelity, effectiveness, and impact to provide responsive support
      • Design new instructional models and change instructional practice to better personalized learning for students
      • Build the capacity of school and district leaders to continue this work
      • Our work is rooted in the Design Thinking process, which supports continuous innovation through cycles of reflection and iteration.

      • We continuously update our materials to what is new and relevant to teachers + students.

      • We balance classroom, school, and district support to ensure we can innovate at scale.

      • We support leaders and teachers in selecting the right instructional models and tactics to increase engagement, rigor, and accessibility in their classrooms + schools.

Personalized Learning aligning instruction
Personalized Learning addressing engagement
      • Small shifts over time build more student ownership. This will be better for you and your students -- you need time to plan intentionally, and students need to develop skills that allow them to become more self-directed
      • When you do anything for the first time, it will be messy and imperfect, and you will learn and iterate - and we're to support you and guide you with our years of experience designing for change
      • We prioritize building the capacity of school leaders + coaches to drive instructional shifts in their buildings
      • To create sustainable change, we provide multiple layers of support to district leaders + coaches, school leaders and teachers
      • Our approach starts with listening to students and collecting data on the their learning experience - this helps teachers make intentional + purposeful instructional shifts
Personalized Learning reducing absenteeism

Our Personalized Learning Process

PL Process Plan and Align 2Plan and Align

Understand the current and aspirational states of learning in schools and align on a project plan.

PL Process Design 2Design

Design and implement instructional models and tools that personalize learning.

PL Process Foundation 2Foundations

Reflect on school-level data to iterate on each team’s approach to personalizing learning, and plan a long-term approach to personalized learning.

PL Process Reflect 2Reflect and Iterate

Reflect on school-level data to iterate on each team’s approach to personalizing learning.

PL Process Reflect and Plan 2-1Reflect and Plan

Reflect on school-level data to plan a long-term approach to personalizing learning.

Addressing Academic Gaps through PL

The rate at which students are learning has decreased since the pandemic with even greater gaps between various groups. While many hoped with more time students would recover, data shows students are still behind. Learn how quality instruction can support students in their learning regardless of their starting point. 

Personalized Learning addressing gaps
Personalized Learning aligning instruction
Aligning Instruction through PL

Whether looking for strategies and approaches to vertical, horizontal or standards alignment – many districts are looking for ways to ensure a consistent, comprehensive and linear experience for students moving through K-12. Learn how Personalized Learning can support your district in coordinating instructional alignment within and between grade bans.

Addressing Student Engagement through PL

Districts nationwide are wrestling with the challenge of student engagement. Be it due to the pandemic or challenges that predate COVID-19, students are finding it difficult to focus, engage in work, and feel connected to their classrooms and school environments. Learn how Personalized Learning can re-engage students and provide a learning experience that every student wants to be a part of. 

Personalized Learning addressing engagement
Personalized Learning reducing absenteeism
Reducing Absenteeism & Increasing Enrollment Through PL

Schools across the country are grappling with fewer students in classrooms, causing a ripple effect on learning, funding, and engagement. Learn how Quality Instruction through Personalized Learning can support you in re-engaging chronically absent students and make your schools more competitive. 

Personalized Learning Resources


white paper


The Core Four of Personalized Learning



A Comprehensive Personalized Learning Guide

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Six Examples of What Personalized Learning Looks Like

Read More



Real Personalized Learning Classrooms

Watch Video

Ready to increase student engagement in your district?