Education Elements Newsroom
Ed Elements in the News | Mentions
How good are schools at learning? Can they get better? As a culture, we worry a lot about student learning. But students don’t learn in a vacuum: Most are part of organizations (namely schools) that involve adults who also are engaged in learning, both individually and collectively. So what could help them learn?
Ed Elements in the News | Press Release
SAN CARLOS, CALIF. (PRWEB) JULY 31, 2018 National K-12 consulting firm, Education Elements, and K-12 Operating System, Kiddom, launch a pilot with integrated offerings to provide comprehensive support to schools and districts.
This white paper includes a framework, actionable ideas and insights from districts who have successfully implemented personalized learning, to help you get started.
Ed Elements in the News | Mentions
Mike Wolking, currently completing an Axford Fellowship while on leave from Education Elements, sent me a summary of a short investigation he completed in how a student spends their day. He followed a student in a New Zealand secondary school for a day and tracked her activities. As I read through the summary, I thought it might be a helpful way to begin to think about the quality of personalized, competency-based education. This type of data could be useful for reflection and opening up conversations about where there might be opportunities for strengthening instruction, assessment, and learning experiences as well as identifying where operational policies or organizational habits are getting in the way. One would have to also consider the question: How do we think a student should spend their time in order to optimize learning and development?
Ed Elements in the News | Press Release
SAN CARLOS, CALIF. (PRWEB) JULY 23, 2018 Google Cloud recognizes Education Elements’ technical proficiency and proven success in helping schools and districts through systemic change across the areas of vision, learning approach, technology, funding, community and culture
EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News | Innovative Leadership
At Education Elements, we’re really lucky to support the design and implementation of blended and personalized learning across more than 700 schools and districts around the country. In this work, we’re often asked, “How do we set up teams to build our internal capacity and support the implementation, scale, and deepening of blended and personalized learning?”
District Partners in the News | EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News
Fresno is a city of a half a million people (twice that in the metro area) in the middle of California's central valley. It's a diverse city with large Hispanic and Hmong populations. The Fresno Unified School District (@fresnounified) serves 75,000 students, of which almost nine in ten live in or near poverty, in about 100 schools.