Education Elements Newsroom
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At Education Elements, we’re really lucky to support the design and implementation of blended and personalized learning across more than 700 schools and districts around the country. In this work, we’re often asked, “How do we set up teams to build our internal capacity and support the implementation, scale, and deepening of blended and personalized learning?”
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Fresno is a city of a half a million people (twice that in the metro area) in the middle of California's central valley. It's a diverse city with large Hispanic and Hmong populations. The Fresno Unified School District (@fresnounified) serves 75,000 students, of which almost nine in ten live in or near poverty, in about 100 schools.
This white paper includes a framework, actionable ideas and insights from districts who have successfully implemented personalized learning, to help you get started.
EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News | Organizational Leadership & Change Management
After reading in the The Culture Code about the strategy for creating high-performing teams by establishing a set of simple rules to guide complex decisions (heuristics), I decided to pick up The New School Rules by Anthony Kim and Alexis Gonzales-Black of Ed Elements. The six new rules for helping schools to become more responsive are: Plan for change, not perfection. Build trust and allow authority to spread. Define the work before you define the people. Aim for “safe enough to try” rather than consensus. Harness the flow and let information go. Schools grow when people grow.
District Partners in the News | EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News
Earlier this week, we introduced the Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) space-themed school redesign project, which could liberate and support schools to reimagine learning to achieve the state’s new vision for education: leading the world in the success of each student.
EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News
Personalized learning is a pretty well-known term, but educators have different definitions for personalized learning, making for a sometimes-confusing approach to its implementation. Now, a new report seeks to apply a common definition to personalized learning and outline best practices for educators to advocate for the practice in their districts.
EE in the news | Ed Elements in the News | Mentions | Organizational Leadership & Change Management
In this episode, Anthony Kim and Alexis Gonzalez-Black are hosted by Robin Peter Zander to discuss their new book The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools, how they can make an impact in education and how can students and schools thrive in this 21st Century.