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Ed Elements in the News

New Education Elements Toolkit Helps School Leaders Take DIY Approach to Student-Centered Instruction and Personalized Learning

The Personalized Learning Toolkit gives leaders premium content and tools proven to support effective and sustainable instructional shifts. SAN CARLOS, CALIF. (April 16, 2019) – After eight years of working alongside school leaders, and a year of testing, Education Elements is making its personalized learning expertise and proven methodology widely available to schools and districts through the Personalized Learning Toolkit. The toolkit helps school leaders take a do-it-yourself approach to planning, designing, and launching a school- or district-level student-centered, personalized learning initiative.

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Ed Elements in the News

96 edtech predictions for K12 in 2019

What edtech innovations can you anticipate this year? We asked 49 edtech executives to look into their crystal balls and share their thoughts about what will happen in 2019. In addition to the usual suspects—more augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) apps—a lot of people believe this will be the year that social emotional learning (SEL) and interoperability become part of the mainstream. There are also a lot of predictions about improving safety and security. Read on to see what’s in store for 2019… Berj Akian, CEO, ClassLink • With 2019 here and 2020 in arm’s reach, there’s an ever-growing expectation that next-generation tech tools should do a better job of informing educators on which resources improve learning outcomes. I’m pleased to say that more and more education leaders and technology products providers are regularly talking and doing something about this. I hope this topic always remains the main problem to solve, and that the slow, steady progress the industry is making continues. • The industry has made loads of good progress on interoperability; now it’s on the mind of all educational leaders. This is a good thing, because it will take motivation from all sides to achieve simpler data connections between systems. The only wrinkle I see in the land of interoperability is that the conversation is still too complicated, and school leaders still don’t have a go-to resource that helps them translate the techno-babble of open data standards into plain English. What the industry needs is a place where interoperability can be discussed and advocated without complicated jargon and a standards bias—maybe a “Church of Interoperability” that’s open to all. I see Project Unicorn possibly filling this role. They see the bigger picture and nicely bridge the tech and curriculum sides of the discussion. ... Anthony Kim, CEO, Education Elements • We will increasingly see a shortage of people going into and staying in education. While educators have the benefit of a clear purpose, the working conditions are not competitive to other industries. • We will start seeing school districts completely redesigning their organization, to try to figure out how to get more done with less. • Innovations will be around how we provide embedded PD for our teachers and administrators. While schools of education will still be largely traditional, educators will seek non-traditional sources to develop their professional capabilities. This article originally appeared on eSchool News. Access the whole article here.

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The Core Four of Personalized Learning

The Core Four of Personalized Learning

This white paper includes a framework, actionable ideas and insights from districts who have successfully implemented personalized learning, to help you get started.

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District Partners in the News  |  Ed Elements in the News  |  Mentions

Educators blend technology with unique instruction methods

TEMPLE, TX (KXXV) - Educators from across the state joined together for a training that blends technology with unique instruction methods.

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District Partners in the News  |  Ed Elements in the News

Educators meet in Temple for online training

Educators from across the state came to Temple Monday to learn about how to use more personalized teaching techniques from Google and Education Elements.

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District Partners in the News  |  Ed Elements in the News

Temple ISD Hosts The National Academy for Personalized Learning

TEMPLE, TX (KXXV) - In an effort to transform and enhance instruction, improve relationships, and help all learners take more ownership of their learning, Temple ISD is stepping up to improve blended learning. On Monday, Dec.10 the Temple Independent School District, along with partners Education Elements and Google for Education Texas, will host The National Academy for Personalized Learning.

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Blog Feature

District Partners in the News  |  Ed Elements in the News

Bridging the Gap in a Rural School District Through Personalized Learning

In Putnam County, Tenn., with 23 schools spread across 400 square miles, we share many of the challenges faced by our fellow rural school districts nationwide, including inconsistent attendance, long commutes, and a high "mobility rate" - the rate at which students are moving in and out of the district.

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