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[Guest Blog Post] Applications Open Now for Lexington Education Leadership Fellowships – Second Cohort

By: Don Soifer on August 5th, 2015

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[Guest Blog Post] Applications Open Now for Lexington Education Leadership Fellowships – Second Cohort

Personalized Learning  |  EE Summit  |  Innovative Leadership


LELA fellows, first cohort, at the Education Elements Personalized Learning Summit

2015’s initial class of LELA Fellows.

To apply, click here.

The Lexington Institute has proudly opened applications for its second class of Lexington Education Leadership Award (LELA) Fellows.Tweet: The @LexNextDC has proudly opened applications for its 2nd class of @EducationLex Leadership Award (LELA) Fellows http://ctt.ec/SKB44+

In May, our initial class of fellows convened in San Jose to participate in a Fellowship track at the Education Elements Personalized Learning Summit.Tweet: The initial class of fellows convened in San Jose to participate in a Fellowship track at the @edelements #PersonalizedLearning Summit This inspiring cohort of ten superintendents and assistant superintendents hail from eight states across the country, representing a broad diversity of public school districts.Tweet: 10 #supts & assist. supts hail from 8 states across the country, representing a broad diversity of #publicschooldistricts http://ctt.ec/TL6_P+

Fellows have worked alongside an accomplished team of mentors who are education leaders from some of the nation’s recognized exemplars in personalized learning, including Horry County (SC) Schools, Uinta (WY) and Middletown (NY). They participated in workshops that addressed essential topics including professional development strategies to support principals and teachers, design thinking, and effective use of data to support instruction. They heard from nationally-renowned education technology leaders and toured prominent personalized learning models in action.Tweet: Fellows heard from nationally-renowned #edtech leaders and toured prominent #personalizedlearning models in action http://ctt.ec/Lqd3i+ 


Since then, fellows have engaged in design workshops with their district leadership teams, facilitated by Education Elements, to examine how different personalized learning models might help them address their present educational challenges. The program will culminate in a leadership dinner in Washington DC this October.

The second LELA fellowship class will kick off with 30 fellows participating in a Fellowship track at the International Association of K-12 Online Learning annual conference in Orlando, Florida in November,Tweet: The 2nd LELA fellowship class will kick off with 30 fellows participating in a Fellowship track at the @nacol annual conference in Orlando where they will benefit from structured interactions with many of the education world’s foremost leaders and thinkers in personalized learning.

Why participate?  Here are some selected comments from the first round of applications:

“I feel that educating our staff about personalized learning and creating a systemic plan for its implementation could be instrumental in best ensuring the technology is being utilized in meaningful ways to increase student achievement and reduce achievement gaps.”

8 Anthony, Cindy, Ross

“We have significant technological tools at the hands of teachers and students, but we struggle with the knowledge and talent to utilize these in teaching and learning.”

“I want to move learning from predominantly teacher directed to more student directed with student voice and choice being incorporated into the classroom.”

Do these questions sound familiar to your own work? This prestigious opportunity is offered free of charge to fellows and their school district,Tweet: This prestigious opportunity is offered free of charge to fellows & their #schooldistrict http://ctt.ec/9WQUo+ #edleaders @EducationLex  and offers a unique opportunity to study personalized learning and to examine, in detail, how it might work best in your own schools,Tweet: A unique opportunity to study #personalizedlearning & to examine in detail how it might work best in your own schools http://ctt.ec/X5vTn+ all with guidance from some of the most accomplished experts in the field.

Apply now and we look forward to meeting you this Fall.


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About Don Soifer

Don Soifer is founder and president of Nevada Action for School Options, a next-gen “action tank” based in Las Vegas focused on supporting the growth of high-quality, personalized education opportunities for all students in the Silver State, across all sectors of education.

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