Lin-Manuel Miranda, writer and star of the award-winning broadway show “Hamilton” is a huge advocate for rest and relaxation. In an interview with Huffington Post Miranda says, “It’s no accident that the best idea I’ve ever had in my life - perhaps maybe the best one I’ll ever have in my life - came to me on vacation.” It was at a resort in Mexico
, during a vacation from a seven year stretch of hard work, that he picked up the book that inspired his best work.
Well there’s no need to wait seven years! Summer is here and you’ve earned the right to some R&R. As you unwind into your summer habits, allow your brain to become less clouded. Who knows what inspiration you may find as you clear space for new ideas to grow. Follow the advice of our favorite “Hamilton” star - taking a break from personalized learning plans and instructional models could be the way to prepare for your best school year yet!
Here are three ways to sit back and get the most out of your summer:
1. Be Mindful
Not only has mindfulness proven to improve mental and physical health - but it’s also among the newest practices utilized by businesses to be an effective change manager. There’s no doubt that being mindful can have it’s benefits in the classroom too. Summer allows you to slow down and really be present in the moment. Take advantage and practice mindfulness now! Hopefully by the time school is back in session, it’ll be a habit you can share with your students.
2. Take Time to Reflect
We’ve identified student reflection as one of the four key elements of success in personalized learning. Just as students need ample opportunities to reflect on their learning - reflection is also important to a teacher’s professional growth. How might you take some time to reflect this summer? See some ideas below:
3. Enjoy the Outdoors
This seems obvious - it’s summer and the weather is beautiful! While you’ve spent a good amount of the year confined to the four walls of your classroom, it’s time to get outside and explore! After all, you can eat lunch and go to the bathroom whenever you want during the summer. Here are some ways to enjoy the outdoors this summer:
- Head to a park with a blanket and a book - check out this list or one of our personalized learning favorites.
- Check out a garage sale - great place to find items for a classroom redesign.
- Travel! It doesn’t have to be far - a staycation is great! Just be sure to see the sites you don’t normally see and bring those experiences back to your classroom in the fall.
Wishing you a relaxing and inspirational summer!