In this episode, we had a conversation with Megan Huneck. Megan is a Design Principal on the Design & Implementation team at Education Elements, collaborating with district and school leaders to develop and implement personalized learning
Prior to joining the Education Elements team, Megan taught in Arlington Virginia Public Schools. While teaching, Megan was chosen to be a member of the LearnZillion DreamTeam where she facilitated engaging blended professional learning experiences for instructional leaders and teacher leaders. Since her time at Education Elements she has worked with school districts from upstate New York to Alaska, and many place in between.
Since 2010 Education Elements has supported more than 140 districts, 750 schools, and 550,000 students with personalized learning implementations. Through their work with schools and districts across the country, they established the Core Four Continuum of Personalized Learning, four key elements that ensure personalized learning is implemented with high fidelity and success...
Here is what we talked about:
- Let’s start the conversation with a personal story about how you got connected to personalized learning.
- Talk to us about the The Core Four Continuum – a New Framework for Personalized Learning Implementation. What is it, and why is it important?
- Can you choose one of the elements, and walk us through the progression in the continuum?
- On your site, you also shared a list of the top ways teachers and school leaders can use the Core Four Continuum. Can you share a few ideas with us?
- Before we invite you to share what is next for you, let’s hear your ideas about our lightning response questions:
- Who is one expert our listener’s should connect with to learn more about personalized learning?
- If you were recommending one book to our listeners, what would it be?
- What online site/resource/person do you learn from regularly?
- What’s next for you, Megan? What are you working on that you’d like to share?
To access the original post, check out this link on TLTalk Radio..