By: Education Elements on September 6th, 2017
Education Elements | Ed Elements in the News | Mentions | Press Release
Education Elements, the leading consultancy supporting public school districts to become more student-centered, announces the release of their new whitepaper series, Guide to Selecting Curriculum to Support Personalized Learning. Having supported 600 schools across 34 states, Education Elements has developed a structured approach to effectively identify and implement a proper curriculum framework that supports each district's’ unique needs. This expansive guide is broken into a three phases whitepaper series and is available at no cost through Education Elements’ website.
"As personalized learning grows in popularity, additional voices have emerged that point to the risks associated with it," said Anthony Kim, Founder and CEO of Education Elements. "We are pleased to report that districts who are thoughtful about their implementations and focus on the needs of their communities see a positive impact year-after-year on not only student test scores, but also student engagement, teacher satisfaction, and overall district effectiveness."
The report shares data from specific districts, highlighting the significant gains each has made, with a special focus on districts that have been implementing personalized learning for several years.
In addition to analyzing test scores, the report also measures the impact of personalized learning on districts across qualitative measures.
"The targeted and ongoing support from Education Elements has been critical to making teachers confident they have access to all the tools necessary," said Rich Hughes, Superintendent of Central Valley SD. "The most critical aspect is the alteration of the role of teacher and student from a stand and deliver methodology to teacher as facilitator to empower individualized student learning."
The complete report, "Building Capacity for Personalized Learning and More," provides additional information on other districts including Metropolitan School District of Warren Township (IN), Loudoun County Public Schools (VA), Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (AK), Charleston County School District (SC), School District 197 (MN), Central Valley School District (NY), Uinta County School District #1 (WY), Racine Unified School District (WI), Fulton County Schools (GA), DC Public Schools (DC), Dundee Central Schools (NY), Yuma Elementary School District One (AZ), Rochester School Department (NH), St. Louis Public School District (MO), Wake County Public School System (NC), and Greeley-Evans School District #6 (CO). The report also profiles 12 teacher and leader "superheroes" from nine districts, including Corcoran Unified School District (CA), Hartford Public Schools (CT) and Geneva City School District (NY), and 2 BOCES, because in the end, it is the people and their passion that makes change successful. Education Elements is proud to share so many wonderful stories.
For additional information regarding Education Elements and their work, visit
About Education Elements
Education Elements works with districts to build and support dynamic school systems that meet the needs of every learner, today and tomorrow. The Education Elements team takes the time to understand the unique challenges school leaders face, and then customizes an approach for each district. Since 2010, Education Elements has worked with hundreds of districts across the country and brings deep expertise, design-thinking, expert facilitation and the spirit of collaboration, along with an extensive toolkit of resources and technology, to deliver sustainable results.
Company Contact:
Amy Jenkins
(415) 377-8292
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Alexis Fried
(609) 279-0050
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