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Digital Promise and Education Elements Launch Competency-based Education Toolkit
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Digital Promise and Education Elements Launch Competency-based Education Toolkit

Ed Elements in the News  |  Press Release

Digital Promise and Education Elements announced today the release of the Competency-based Education (CBE) Toolkit, the culmination of over a year’s work in ten forward-thinking school districts who are sharing lessons learned from their CBE implementation journey. The toolkit shares highly actionable advice and thoughtful reflection from the contributing districts, and is intended to help other district leaders and teachers at any phase in the CBE implementation journey.

The CBE Toolkit was born out of the League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of the nation’s most forward-thinking district leaders. Thanks to the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the League launched a toolkit that catalogues the thousands of hours and lessons districts across the country have learned in their individual districts. From Utah to Wisconsin to New Jersey, the toolkit includes invaluable lessons learned from assessment practices to tech infrastructure requirements. Lessons are mapped to an implementation framework and the toolkit is freely available to every district in the country through an interactive, online portal.

“The League of Innovative Schools connects and rallies dynamic leaders of our nation’s school districts in order to advance positive change in public education, and this CBE Toolkit exemplifies this theory in action,” said Karen Cator, CEO and President of Digital Promise. “Digital Promise is proud to work with innovative districts who are willing to share their lessons learned.”

District leaders, teachers or anyone interested in a competency-based implementation can find the lessons learned of ten districts and put them into practice. “We know from our work that districts making big shifts in their approach to teaching and learning need actionable resources, not theory,” said Amy Jenkins, Chief Operating Officer and a Managing Partner at Education Elements. “The CBE Toolkit provides those resources and will help districts push forward their work around competency-based education.”

The League of Innovative Schools, launched in late 2011, accepts new members through an open application process once per year. Currently, the League includes 87 school districts in 33 states, representing nearly 3.3 million students. The full list of members can be found at digitalpromise.org/districts.

For more information on the Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools, visit: digitalpromise.org/league.

About Digital Promise
Digital Promise is a nonprofit organization that builds powerful networks and takes on grand challenges by working at the intersection of researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators. Our vision is that all people, at every stage of their lives, have access to learning experiences that help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to thrive and continuously learn in an ever-changing world. For more information, visit the Digital Promise website and follow @digitalpromise for updates.

About Education Elements
Education Elements works with districts to build and support dynamic school systems that meet the needs of every learner, today and tomorrow. They take the time to understand the unique challenges school leaders face, and then customize the Education Elements approach for each district. Ed Elements has worked with hundreds of districts across the country. They bring deep expertise, design thinking, expert facilitation and the spirit of collaboration, along with their extensive toolkit of resources and technology, to deliver sustainable results. Please visit http://www.edelements.com to learn more.


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