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Personalized Learning Blog

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Rob Waldron

Blog Feature

Blended Learning  |  Curriculum Strategy & Adoption  |  Personalized Learning

[Guest Blog Post] An Adaptive Diagnostic Will Rock Your World (and other reasons to choose adaptive assessments)

Take a look at your smartphone. You can’t live without it, right? In two years, not having an adaptive assessment tied to individualized instruction for children will be as ridiculous as not having a smartphone. Imagine having data in one place that tells you if and how students are progressing from year-to-year versus having to cobble together data from different assessments, administered by different teachers in different grades that still give an incomplete view of student achievement. Advanced technology is now available which provides a deep, customized evaluation of student performance and tracks student growth consistently and continuously over a student’s entire K–12 career. This technology is an adaptive diagnostic.

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