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Personalized Learning Blog

B.Y.O.T Bring Your Own Thoughts

K-12 Education Resources

The latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in K-12 education. We answer questions before you think to ask them.

Megan Campion

Megan Campion is Partner with Education Elements, working with schools, districts, regional education agencies, and state departments of education to support effective change management for continuous improvement. Megan came to Education Elements in 2018 with extensive experience working in schools as a teacher and administrator, and with schools as a program manager and consultant. Megan began her teaching career as a kindergarten teacher at an independent school in McLean, Virginia. She transitioned into teaching middle school history in her second year of teaching, and spent her time as a teacher creating student-centered, inquiry-based learning experiences for students. She worked with the Alliance to Save Energy as the national manager for the Green Schools (later named PowerSave Schools) program, a K-12 service learning program that supported students’ work to measure and conserve the electricity usage in their school buildings. She went on to work with a technology and research company as an associate director of research, working with school districts across the country on school and district climate studies, leadership transition plans, and community engagement projects. Megan’s career in education has been centered around the question of what is effective, scalable, and measurable in education, and supporting the development and engagement of all stakeholders in a school community.

Blog Feature

7Cs Teaching Resources  |  Education Elements  |  School Districts  |  School Leadership  |  Surveys  |  Teachers

The Impact of Student Voices on Instructional Leadership: A Case Study

At Education Elements, Personalized Learning reflects many of our core beliefs about how people and organizations grow. This is why we continuously improve our services in this area to support schools and districts in their efforts to personalize learning for students. We know that in and outside the classroom, learning is rarely one-size-fits-all. Every individual can thrive if their unique needs are met. Often the first step to supporting student growth and development is getting to know your people and understanding their needs.

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