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The NEW Team Habits:
The Meeting Habit
April 22, 2020
@11a.m. PT /2 p.m. ET

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The Meeting Habit

For many education leaders and professionals, meetings occupy the majority of our working day. They have the potential to be powerful levers for sharing and collaboration but unfortunately are often disengaging, inefficient, and are dominated by one or a handful of voices. We have found that there is a better way to design and host meetings, which transforms them into powerful opportunities for sharing and collaboration. Meetings are a powerful place to change the way we engage and work with each other. When teams adopt the Meeting Habit: We Lead Check-Ins, teams will not only shift the way they begin their meetings, but ultimately improve the trust, engagement, and culture of that team.

Join the upcoming webinar to:

  • Develop team habits you can implement to make meetings a powerful place to change the way we engage and work with each other

  • Shift the way you start your meetings to change the tone, engagement, and ultimately culture, of your organization

Interested in learning more about The NEW Team Habits, and The Meeting Habit? Visit www.newteamhabits.com for a sample chapter, downloadable activities and protocols, and an introduction to the authors!

See you on April 22, at 11 am PT/2 pm ET!

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