When we engage in design work, we develop the systems and vision for a new school or program. When we engage in redesign work, we rethink the systems, structures and vision for an already existing school or program. Education Elements will support your team in identifying and addressing your district’s biggest instructional challenges and creating a student-centered approach to solving them.
We create a customized change management strategy based on the needs of the community we are serving. Our team provides coaching, support and facilitated experiences to create meaningful change in instructional practice that drives improvement for teachers and students. After working with Education Elements your team will build skills to implement instructional shifts and remain agile to reassess and update your approach based on changing needs.
In order to become a learning organization, we believe sharing information is a vital practice. Teams often get bogged down in determining the right size, the right audience, and the right time for sharing information. By developing district and school-wide systems for sharing information we can find new ways to increase alignment and collaboration across the organization. Through our work together, we will co-design teaming practices that are centered around the following:
Education Elements will host virtual strategy sessions, deliver onsite sessions and check in through regular support calls. These touchpoints will provide development opportunities and model progress monitoring sessions, with the goal of enabling the district and school leaders to lead more effective meetings moving forward and strategically implement and monitor plans.
When we engage in school transformation our ultimate goal is to impact every classroom in the system/school. To do this, we work with a cross functional team of district and school leaders to ensure that the strategy and designs we are developing centrally are reflective of what we are learning from the classroom and site level. True to a user end design process, this ensures that we are informing decisions and strategy with the insights and experience of our students, educators, leaders and families throughout the process, not just one time at the beginning. This also allows for continuous feedback loops between end users and district leaders, which maintains coherence and alignment throughout the change process.
When sorting through the complex work of school transformation we find that organizations have to be intentional to design solutions that directly meet the needs of their end-user: the student. At Education Elements we help you design the cornerstones of your program which can include Culture, Instruction, System and Operations.