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Sofia Ramirez, Yuma Elementary School District One (AZ)

Personalized Learning Superhero

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Personalized Learning Superhero

Name: Sofia Ramirez

Role: Principal, Roosevelt Elementary School

District: Yuma Elementary School District One (AZ); 9,000 students

Years in education: 36

Years district has worked with Education Elements: 2+

About Sofia: Sofia has led her school’s shift to personalized learning over the last two years. She represents the principal voice on Yuma’s “Brain Trust,” a vision-setting and decision-making body for personalized learning for the district’s 17 schools.

What has been the impact of personalized learning? “At the beginning, we were all very nervous. Now it’s a complete turnaround. Now we are all on the same page, we really felt like we are all learning from each other. When it comes to our scores, I see a tremendous growth on our benchmarks. And we are working so hard at student ownership and having students set goals for themselves.”

What is your superpower? “Loving what I do. My parents were migrant workers, so I used to work in the fields during the summer, and I know how that is and it’s hard work. My parents instilled in me the importance of education, and I want to do the same for these children. I know they can do a lot more than what I’ve done.”

“Sofia is a fierce advocate for her students and teachers. She realizes the importance that personalized learning will play in enable her students to be successful both in school and life.”
Lurinda Ward, Director of Learning Services


Learn more about how we support districts implement Personalized Learning