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Personalized Learning Helps Every Student Reach Their Potential

Fulton County Schools partnered with Education Elements to bring personalized learning to all schools -- one of the largest school systems in the country to do so.


schools with new personalized learning models


school leaders trained to lead PL at their schools

Fulton County Schools, GA

Fulton County Schools (FCS) is the fourth largest school system in Georgia, and one of the largest in terms of its geographic footprint. FCS serves 96,500 students across 105 schools. FCS spans 70-miles north to south and surrounds the city of Atlanta. A true pioneer, FCS is on track to become one of the largest districts in the country to bring personalized learning to all of their schools and students.

The Challenge

FCS spent two years developing a strategic plan and vision for personalized learning  The county passed a tax to fund personalized learning, including increased devices in the classroom. The district was ready, but needed help to turn their plans into reality at the school level. Additionally, as a charter school district, FCS needed a process that would strike the appropriate balance between centralized support and school-level decision making.

How We Helped

Since Spring 2015, all schools have gone through a process with Education Elements to develop personalized learning instructional models, professional development plans, and communications plans. Education Elements also worked with the FCS district leadership team to increase alignment on how schools would be supported in different learning communities. In addition, Education Elements partnered with FCS to design a formalized data gathering process to inform both district-level and school-level personalized learning reflect and iterate decisions.

The Results

In our opinion, Fulton leads the country in rigorous program evaluation; the results of their impact study on personalized learning will be available at a future date.

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