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Virtual Courses

Learning Courses

High quality professional learning.
Ready when you are

Our Learning Courses provide equitable, on-demand access to bite-sized professional learning with personalized feedback to build educators' capacity and transform school districts

Pillars of our Learning Courses

Learning experiences should be designed for  professionals. Our courses have the following elements

Bring Joy to Learning + Growth: Growth is more than just increasing pedagogical expertise and relationship building — it has to have joy. In fact, eEducators’ experiences with professional learning should lift them out of their day-to-day grind and help them see things differently, in a way that’s more enjoyable than other asynchronous learning.

Job Embedded + Micro-Learnings: Learning experiences need to be a balance of bite-sized knowledge paired with actions that educators can take to improve their craft over time.

Responsive Practices + Team Habits: Responsive practices and team habits bring together systems and processes that are the essential building blocks to support capacity and growth. When you have effective structures and support, you can deliver better results.

Personalization + Data-Driven Decision: Learning needs to be designed to meet educators where they are – through engaging flexible learning options in a variety of mediums that embrace feedback loops for accountability and mastery.
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Our Approach

Each of our virtual courses utilizes our SEPAD framework, which stands for Spark, Expand, Practice, Apply and Debrief, giving you a structured way to process your new learning. 

The spark is where the learning begins, helping you draw inspiration to create change. During expand, you will dive into the resources and tools to help you build towards heightening your impact as an educator. In practice, you will have a safe space to test your new learning. Then apply, you try your new learning in a job-embedded experience. Lastly, debrief, where you will reflect on trying these new ideas and think towards future iterations of your practice.


Education Elements has done an excellent job preparing the essentials to develop good coaching skills.

The design is well laid out with rich resources spanning a variety of materials, authors, and perspectives.

Kudos to you and your team for creating a course that is exactly what is needed in a market full of coaching materials

Why Work With Us

  • Many organizations exclusively focus on developing teacher practice; we take a more holistic approach, focusing on the entire adult learning experience, which include responsive practices, personalization, and relationship-building.
  • We have deep experience supporting schools at every level, from the classroom to district leadership.
  • We hold practical expertise in helping districts become learning organizations — so we understand the larger context of organizational learning and change beyond an individual course.
  • Our high quality virtual learning enables leaders to move at their own pace, that, paired with personalized feedback makes us a valuable partner for job-embedded, micro-learning experiences.

How we can help you

We currently offer the following courses with more options and courses to come soon: Essential Skills for Leading Learning and Building Habits and Mindsets of Effective Instructional Coaches.

Learn More About How Our Professional Learning Can Support Employees and Build Capacity