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EdElements on YouTube

Some things are better said in video.
Check out some of these resources now available on our YouTube channel.



Almost every day we post a new video resource for teachers, parents, or leaders. You can find all of these videos on YouTube or search below by playlist for videos on distance learning, virtual instruction, SEL, leadership, equity, and return to school planning and reopening. Subscribe to be notified of the latest.

Here are a few among the favorites.

In the 5 truths about recruiting Black teachers, Jessica  provides tips on Black teacher recruitment and retention, historical facts, and examples of organizations already working to fix the shortage of Black teachers. Megan & Gabby share tips on how can you best support your student in navigating their new classroom learning environment, whether they are in elementary, middle, or high school. 12 ways teachers should include and cultivate equity in their classrooms from Jessica and Justin. Gabby and Megan, in How to Communicate with Parents During Distance Learning, explore the challenges of engaging parents in a remote learning situation, and share recommendations along the way.

Playlist: Digital & Hybrid Learning

Districts are implementing a variety of instructional programs including distance, remote and hybrid learning. Equip yourself with new models and practical, tactical support for teachers, families, and leaders. Explore this playlist and center your approach on equity.




Playlist: Return to School and Reopening Planning

As schools and districts make plans to reopen, districts are developing and updating plans for returning to school. Deepen your responsive practices, continue to engage stakeholders, center equity in your approach, and effectively forge new paths forward. Explore this collection of videos.



Playlist: Education Leader Insights and Interviews

This playlist includes interviews with educational and business leaders from around the country on topics including engaging with your community, supporting staff, how to be a good leader, making big changes in times of uncertainty, and many other critical challenges leaders face.



Playlist: Flexible Learning

In this playlist we discuss topics such as data usage in the classroom, creating a sense of teacher belonging, how educators can engage with parents and families and supporting students socially and emotionally. Explore this playlist to discover these flexible learning strategies and more.



Series: Bridging the Gap

Whether it is socio-economic or learning gaps - the trend is that the gap is going to be stark in 2021. While we are all trying to figure how to survive our daily lives, there are leaders thinking about our future generations and this starts in school districts.

Over the past few months, everyone has made education a priority. What’s become obvious to everyone is that schools play a tremendous role in the economy, family well-being, health of children, and community culture, in addition to learning. 

Join Anthony Kim as he talks with education leaders focused on equity, thinking about designing for the future differently. These educators are imagining a new future, one that sees every child.


Series: A Dose of Design with Drew

In this series, we follow Drew as he discusses strategies to help you rethink, reinvent and reimagine the future of learning within your school or district.





Series: Talking with @Edu_Thompson

Join Jill Thompson as she speaks with educators all over the nation to discuss various topics including self care for educators, supporting new teachers during COVID, and tips for effective virtual team meetings.


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