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A dynamic panel discussion

Join us for an expert panel discussion on how to effectively implement the Science of Reading to truly support student learning. 

This session will explore how systems leaders can:

  • Navigate state mandates, leveraging the foundational knowledge of MTSS to drive instructional choices and differentiation. 
  • Support diverse learners, including English Language Learners, with a focus on language and contextual understanding. 
  • Implement practical strategies that empower teachers and foster student growth

We believe implementing Science of Reading requires a thoughtful approach to change management, focused on careful planning and high-quality professional development. This approach lays the groundwork for teachers to become skilled diagnosticians, ready to make the most of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. We look forward to hosting our esteemed panelists as they share their insights on creating supportive systems that empower educators, drive meaningful change, and lead to systematic reading gains. 

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Dr. Leila Nuland
Senior Vice President, Education Elements

Over the course of her career, Dr. Leila Nuland has leveraged her experience as a high school teacher to build out high-impact products and services that support K-12 educators and leaders. She is passionate about inclusive leadership and has a track record for developing strategy for and managing teams in a high-growth environment.

Uly Navarrete
Uly Navarrete
Executive Director, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS)
With nearly 20 years of experience working in the educational technology sector, Uly has worked with both large and small districts in urban and suburban areas across the country change the lives and trajectories of hundreds of thousands of students by advocating and buidling partnerships with districts and leaders to improve the outcomes of students. Now, as the Executive Director for ALAS he fights to make sure that our students have representative site and districts leadership, policies to fund educational programming and additional resources needed to prepare our nearly 1/3 of all students in the country for the world of tomorrow.
Erick Casallas
Erick Casallas
Assistant Superintendent, Clark County School District

Mr. Erick Casallas is the Assistant Superintendent of the English Language Learner Division for the Clark County School District. With twenty-three years of experience in education, Erick has dedicated his career to advancing access and equity for students, striving to create positive outcomes and opportunities for all.

Previously, Erick served as the principal of Goynes STEM Academy in North Las Vegas and has held various roles including principal of a dual language school, director of English Language Programs, assistant principal, instructional specialist, and classroom teacher. His teaching career began in 2002 as a Corps Member with Teach for America, driven by a commitment to providing an excellent education for every student.

In his current role, Erick focuses on ensuring that students receive systematic and equitable support to master grade-level content and develop English language skills. His passion for education remains as strong as ever, guiding his work in supporting students and driving meaningful change.

As the child of Colombian immigrants, Erick takes pride in his Latino heritage and is committed to leading and advocating for change for students in Clark County.

Dr. Lynmara Colón
Dr. Lynmara Colón
Director of Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services, Prince William County Public Schools

Dr. Lynmara Colón is a dynamic leader committed to student learning and growth. She is passionate about technology, access, and equity for all students, and was named in the NSBA 20 to Watch for Innovative Practices. As a former teacher, assistant principal, and principal, Dr. Colón is focused on building healthy cultures by leading with a Disney mentality where all stakeholders are welcomed. She serves as the Director of Student Opportunity and Multilingual Services in a school division serving over 20,000 of English Learners representing 140 languages. She is the co-author of Empower Our Girls: Opening the Door for Girls to Achieve More.

Webinar LP - Dr. Adelaida Olivares
Dr. Adelaida "Laila" Olivarez
Chief of Schools, Pflugerville ISD
michelle-simmons CCSD
Michelle Simmons
Chief Academic Officer, Charleston County School District

Michelle Simmons served as a CCSD administrator for 14 years before leading the ELC. Previously she led Stono Park Elementary School, serving as principal since 2010. Simmons also served as principal of CC Blaney Elementary School, Assistant Principal at Goodwin Elementary School, and began her career in education in Charleston County, teaching at the Mary Ford Elementary School. Simmons holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from South Carolina State University and a Master’s in Elementary Education Administration and Supervision as well as an Ed.S. in Education Leadership from The Citadel.