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Tennessee Teacher Recruitment & Retention Innovation Challenge

A 2-day Collaborative Workshop 

April 16-17, 2024  | Knoxville, TN

Join Education Elements and school and district leaders from throughout Tennessee and the Southeast for a two-day human-centered innovation challenge to collectively generate solutions to one of the most pressing problems in K-12 education.





More events coming soon!




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Arkansas Responsive Leadership Institute

Immersive Institute 

February 27-28, 2024  | Little Rock, AR

Join us in Little Rock to discuss change management, organizational design, and leadership principles based on the best selling book, The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools



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VA/NC Responsive Leadership Institute

Immersive Institute 

February 7-8, 2024 | Raleigh, NC  

Join us in Raleigh to build your leadership toolkit to reflect, monitor, and strategize to get the most out of your  school year. Through this immersive workshop, leaders will learn about global trends in organizational design theory and the six rules for making their teams more effective and responsive.



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School Improvement and Redesign

Virtual Event  

November 15, 2023  

Education Elements is proud to present our newest white paper, “School Improvement Built on a Foundation of What Works”. Join us in this virtual event for an in-depth look at how our process, purposefully designed for results, has helped hundreds of schools exit school improvement status.



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Arkansas Responsive Leadership Institute

Immersive Institute 

September 12 -13, 2023  | Little Rock, AR

Join us in Little Rock to discuss change management, organizational design, and leadership principles based on the best selling book, The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools. Through this immersive workshop leaders will learn about global trends in organizational design theory and the six rules for making their teams more effective and responsive.



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Educator Wellness Series

A Monthly Virtual Learning Opportunity

November 2022 - May 2023 

The issue of teacher wellness is one that has impacted districts all across the country. We find that the more that we study this issue, the more complicated it seems. Education Elements has put together a lineup of experts to explore the many facets of teacher wellness. Each month, teachers as well as school and district leaders are welcomed to this safe space to learn about these issues from experts, discuss problems of practice, and explore the solutions that will help transform their campus into a workplace of health and happiness.


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Recruiting and Retaining Our Teacher Workforce

Immersive Institute 

February 22-23, 2023  | Orlando, FL

Join us in Orlando, FL for an immersive 2-day institute to reflect on your organization’s current approach to learn best practices for identifying candidates with the right skillsets for your schools, design strategic tools for effective candidate evaluation, and revamp your onboarding experience in order to lead toward long-term retention.



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Re-recruit Your Team’s Passion, Perspective, and Purpose for Your Strategic Plan

Tennessee In-Person Workshop

September 14, 2022  | Chattanooga, TN

This one-day in-person learning experience will support any district team who is looking to re-recruit their team’s passion, perspective and purpose for their strategic plan.

Join us to have conversations about developing teaming practices that lead to stronger implementations, examine how strong teams honor their plan and invest their stakeholders in the process.


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Pursuing Educational Excellence with Equity In Mind

A 3-Day Conference with Dr. Ron Ferguson

August 1-3, 2022 | Indianapolis, IN 

Twenty-first century schools can be a tangle of complexity. What does it take to launch students from all backgrounds toward becoming fully-realized human beings—socially, emotionally, and intellectually? What is student agency and how can we cultivate it? What are some ways to get buy-in from adults to do what’s best for children?

Come spend three days with Dr. Ron Ferguson, the lead developer of Tripod surveys, whose teaching and research at Harvard University for almost four decades have focused on understanding and improving lived experiences that affect how children develop in families, schools, and communities.


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Curriculum Collaborative

Immersive One-Day Academy

June 28, 2022 | Ossining, NY 

The event is an immersive and intentional one-day in-person learning experience. Join us to have conversations about providing equitable access to strong instruction, examine strong materials and their role in instruction and learning, and explore practical strategies that can foster a culture of personalizing learning that meets individual student needs.  We're also hosting a Curriculum Coffee Chat series prior to this event if you're interested in connecting beforehand.


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Getting the Most from your Strategic Plan: Pivots and Implementation Strategies

Interactive Livestream

May 10, 2022 

Join us for an interactive livestream where we will walk you through an auditing process to review your strategic plan, work plans, and governance structure to examine the progress made towards your goals in order to make any necessary pivots or adjustments. 


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Using Stakeholder Surveys to Build Your Data Culture

Virtual Learning Series & Community of Practice

April 2022

Join us for a learning series alongside other district leaders on topics related to how to use stakeholder perception data to inform decision-making and advance your district’s goals and priorities.  This series includes 4 webinars and 4 Q&A discussions.



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Strategic Planning Virtual Mini Conference

Conference + Discussion Series

April 26, 2022 

This is not your traditional conference moved to zoom.

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore the stages of Strategic Planning. Choose a pathway based on your needs and interest such as before you begin your plan, during your plan, and launching/monitoring your plan.


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Northeast Strategic Planning Roundtable Series

3-Part Virtual Lunch and Learn 

March 10, March 21, April 6

Join us to hear from your colleagues across the region what's working and what's not in their latest strategic planning efforts. In this three-part series, each week we will focus on a different aspect of strategic planning and hear directly from district leaders. Bring your burning questions and ideas to share in this collaborative roundtable experience.


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Recruiting and Retaining Our Teacher Workforce

Immersive Institute in Washington, DC

March 30 - 31, 2022 

Join us in Washington, DC for an immersive 2-day institute to reflect on your organization’s current approach to learn best practices for identifying candidates with the right skillsets for your schools, design strategic tools for effective candidate evaluation, and revamp your onboarding experience in order to lead toward long-term retention.


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Personalized Learning Academy

New York

January - March 2022

Join us for a one-day workshop where we share our approach to personalized learning, resources, best practices, and create a space for collaboration and problem solving. 


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Southeast Teacher Retention

Virtual Conference & Discussion Series

Virtual Event | October 28, 2021 
Discussion 1 | November 30, 2021 
Discussion 2 | January 25, 2022

Join our virtual event to reflect on your organization’s current approach with teacher talent, learn best practices for identifying candidates with the right skills sets for your schools, and design strategic tools for effective candidate evaluation in order to lead toward long-term retention. 


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Strategic Planning with Equity in Mind

Northeast Regional Two Part Event

December 2nd & 9th, 2021

Set aside two hours December 2 and December 9 to join leaders from across the northeast region to discuss strategies to design and launch a strategic plan that intentionally centers conversations about equity. We will provide strategies and resources you can immediately apply back with your district as well as the opportunity to engage in small breakout groups to apply your learning. Immediately following the workshop we're hosting lunch office hours where you can bring your questions.



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Personalized Learning. Reimagined.

A Livestream Event

October 7, 2021 @ 8am-10am PST / 11am - 1pm EST

Join Education Elements this October with hundreds of other ed leaders to discover how we have reimagined personalized learning and hear from experts in the field talk about how to build agency, self actualization, and lifelong learners.



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Possibilities Picnics

A Nontraditional Virtual Picnic

August 9th, 11th, 18th, 20th @ 12:15pm EST

Get off of the computer, and get outside! Join Education Elements and a series of special guests to have some informal conversations around what we’re excited about for the new school year.




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Back-To-School Make and Take PD Event

A Northeast Virtual Conference

August 3rd @ 9:30am - 5pm EST

Are you looking for teacher PD sessions to kick-off the new school year? On Tuesday, August 3rd we will share four of our most popular PD workshops that you can then customize and turnkey for your school team. At every workshop, participants will experience the key moments of the session, receive customization and turnkey advice, and leave with a slide deck they can use with their teachers. Each workshop facilitator will also hold office hours immediately after to answer questions.



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Northeast Summer Admin Retreat: Equity & Leadership

July 29th @ 9am - 12pm EST

In this free, virtual Summer Admin Retreat, we invite leaders to explore this question with us, as well as participate in a conversation with two leading education leaders in this important work: Dr. Josue Falaise, formerly of the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, and Dr. Luvelle Brown, Superintendent of the Ithaca City School District in New York.




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Education Elements Goes to Summer Camp

Want S'More Competencies in Your Life?

July 22nd @ 7-9am PST / 10-12pm EST

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore how to shift your schools toward a culture of learning with competencies. You'll be challenged to rethink competencies for every stakeholder - teachers, leaders, students. 



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Reimagine Hiring: 3-Part Discussion Series

June 30th, July 21st, August 18th

Continue the conversation with us from the Reimagine Hiring virtual event hosted this past spring.

We invite district leaders to join us for a 3-part discussion series exploring ways to re-design your hiring process, from selecting the right candidates to interviewing and onboarding.





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Moving Past Schooling Loss: Accelerating Learning through Personalization

3 Part Strategy Series 

June 15, 22, 29 @ 9-10am EST - This event is for Georgia school district leaders only.

District leaders from across the state of Georgia are invited to a three part strategy session to explore how personalized learning can serve as a roadmap for recovery.

Each strategy session is 60 minutes and will reveal strategies to combat schooling loss in GA schools.


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A Systems-Level Approach to Schooling Loss in Massachusetts

May 26th @ 2-3pm EST - This event is for Massachusetts school district leaders only.

What do superintendents need to be thinking about to prepare for the fall? District leaders face systems-level challenges due to the pandemic. This interactive workshop led by Education Elements will introduce an approach to schooling loss by focusing on the whole-school systems that need to be addressed.




Virtual Events Square Graphics (9)New York Data Culture Mini Conference

April 20, 2021 | 9-11am EST  This event is for New York school district leaders only.

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore best practices in building and nurturing data culture in school systems. During the event you will explore one of two pathways:

Pathway 1: Data Resources - The information we collect and prioritize.

Pathway 2: Data Practices - Redefining norms and behaviors


Virtual Events Square Graphics (8)A Systems Level Approach to Schooling Loss

April 13, 2021 

Educators face systems-level challenges due to the pandemic. This workshop introduces the first part of our approach to addressing schooling loss. More often referred to as learning loss, we focus on the whole-school systems that need to be addressed. When the challenge is ambiguous, there are two initial priorities: getting a clearer view of your situation and imagining multiple pathways forward.

This two-hour workshop will introduce new ideas, allow for individual reflection, collaboration in breakout rooms, and planning time. Participants will leave with the start of a roadmap and the roles that might drive this work.


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Reimagine Hiring

March 24, 2021
An HR Event for school district leaders intent on redesigning their hiring processes for 2021

We believe the hiring process needs to change to reflect the impact of COVID and remote learning, the evolving expectations of new hires, the need to become more inclusive and equitable, as well as the desire to build a strong foundation for retention. 

During the event you will explore one of three pathways:

  • Pathway 1: Leveraging New Opportunities: planning for sustainable and intentional hiring. 
  • Pathway 2: Addressing Inequities: identifying barriers and solutions in the hiring process
  • Pathway 3: Talent Lifecycle: visualizing hiring within in the bigger picture


datausagemini-squareData Culture Mini Conference

February 25, 2021

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore best practices in building and nurturing data culture in school systems. During the event you will explore one of two pathways:

Pathway 1: Data Resources - The information we collect and prioritize.

Pathway 2: Data Practices - Redefining norms and behaviors




Indiana Strategic Planning Mini Conference 

February 24, 2021

Free for IAPSS Members

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore the stages of  Strategic Planning.  Choose a pathway based on your needs and interest such as before you begin your plan, during your plan, and launching/monitoring your plan. 



Strategic Planning Mini Conference Square Post (2)Strategic Planning Mini Conference

January 28, 2021

This is not your traditional conference moved to zoom. 

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short, focused learning experiences and group discussions that explore the stages of  Strategic Planning.  Choose a pathway based on your needs and interest such as before you begin your plan, during your plan, and launching/monitoring your plan. 




Virtual New School Rules Southeast Region Leadership Cohort 

January 2020- February 2020 

We invite you to apply to join our Virtual New School Rules (NSR) Leadership Cohort. Based on the best selling book, The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices For Thriving and Responsive Schools, the Institute provides an opportunity to learn directly from a team of experts in change management, organizational design, and leadership. The Institute also offers the unique space to grow your leadership practice, while learning and collaborating with school and district leaders from around the country through a virtual cohort model.  

The Institute is designed for education leaders who want to improve how their teams collaborate, make decisions, and achieve their goals. We know there is a better way for school and district teams to meet, function, and make decisions, and that the changes we make to processes can lead to better academic results, greater teacher retention, and more thriving school systems. 




Northeast Regional Virtual Leadership Institute

November 16, 2020

Join education leaders from across the Northeast Region for a one day virtual learning opportunity highlighting best practices navigating through change using agile and responsive virtual practices. This conference will feature sessions on collaboration in a remote environment; responsive practices in the age of crisis management, best practices for teaming and communication and reflecting on long-term response to the impacts of the current pandemic. 



DL Road Race SquareDistance Learning Virtual Road Race

November 9-14, 2020

As summer winds down and the weather starts to cool...  we are tying up our sneakers and hitting the pavement!

Education Elements is excited to announce our first-ever Distance Learning Virtual Road Race on November 9-14. Invite your friends and families to join us as we promote mental and physical wellness, model best practices in distance learning, and give back to our community.  So choose your race distance, set a goal, and lace up your shoes to run with us this Fall.  Follow our runs on social media #DLRoadRace 

  • Who: This is a private event open to Ed Elements employees + friends and family, and Ed Elements Clients.  
  • When: You can complete your run any day from November 9-14
  • Where: This is a virtual road race, so you get to choose your own course near the comfort of your home and neighborhood!

Although this event is private, we do plan to host a second Virtual Road Race this Spring open to the public!  Stay tuned for more information.


Twitter Graphics (3)-1-1Flexible Learning Virtual Conference

November 5, 2020

This is not your traditional conference moved to zoom. This is a 9 minute mini conference.

Join experts and practitioners for a series of short learning experiences and small group discussions. Explore strategies to successfully implement high quality, equitable distance and flexible learning in remote, hybrid, and in-person settings. Leave inspired and with practical ideas to share with your teams. You’re busy. We are busy. Let’s learn together.




Virtual New School Rules Leadership Cohort 

September 17 - November 1, 2020

We invite you to apply to join our Virtual New School Rules (NSR) Leadership Cohort (previously The New School Rules Leadership Institute). Based on the best selling book, The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices For Thriving and Responsive Schools, the Institute provides an opportunity to learn directly from a team of experts in change management, organizational design, and leadership. The Institute also offers the unique space to grow your leadership practice, while learning and collaborating with school and district leaders from around the country through a virtual cohort model.  

The Institute is designed for education leaders who want to improve how their teams collaborate, make decisions, and achieve their goals. We know there is a better way for school and district teams to meet, function, and make decisions, and that the changes we make to processes can lead to better academic results, greater teacher retention, and more thriving school systems. 



Strategic Planning Responsive Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times

November 5 - 6, 2020-

This Spring and Summer have been very different from what any of us could have expected. With the rapid changes and influx of information, the responsiveness of your strategic plan has likely been tested this year! You have likely had to pivot and direct your energy to return planning. This rapid planning process is likely to stick around. There is so much we cannot predict and responsive planning helps you stay nimble no matter what you encounter.  At Education Elements, we believe the process of planning  is just as important, if not more, than the plan itself. Engaging your stakeholders throughout the process leads to a plan that is a launching pad for inspired work in your organization. This one and a half days of virtual learning opportunities will introduce responsive strategic planning through hands-on activities and helpful resources that you will be able to apply back at your districts.


LeadershipInstitute_400x400-min-1Responsive Leadership and Team Habits for Return to School

September 14 - 15, 2020

This Leadership Institute is for you if you are looking to improve your own leadership, nurture a culture of trust on your team, enhance the efficiency of team meetings, and maximize effectiveness of managing projects. The content is best suited for district and school leaders and we encourage people to attend in teams, though individual leaders are also welcome. 




Minnesota Personalized Learning Virtual Academy

August 5, 2020

The Minnesota Personalized Learning Academy will take place virtually on August 5. This one-day virtual event of professional development is designed for district leaders at all stages of their personalized learning implementation.

For district leaders just starting their journey, the academy will give them clarity on priorities. For district leaders who have been moving towards personalized learning for several years, the academy will provide guidance around what to do next.

We believe that in order to create more responsive classrooms that foster ownership over learning, we must model and support all learners to be innovators themselves.



Designing School for Learning Continuity Conference (3-day event)

Designing School for Learning Continuity Conference

This event has passed and only recordings are available.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the need to redesign school to ensure that meaningful learning can continue even if our brick and mortar school buildings close. This is urgent now that public health officials predict that future infection spikes could disrupt the upcoming school year. This is important because our changing understanding of learning continuity can have a significant impact on how we respond to natural disasters, student suspensions, and workforce development.

Join Education Elements and experts from across the country for a three-day virtual conference where participants will design a new school model that ensures learning continuity. This conference will include:

  • Expert workshops on school design; equity; personalized learning; competency-based education and mastery grading; staffing; responsive teaming; and strategic planning.
  • Opportunities to work with an Education Elements consultant in a 1:1 or small group setting
  • Collaboration opportunities to share ideas with leaders from across the country
  • Protected space to create a plan to redesign school for learning continuity

Recordings now available!


  • $75 (live + recordings + digital swag)
  • All proceeds from this event will be donated to a non-profit supporting educational equity

Learn More & Register Here



Responsive Leadership and Team Habits in the Age of COVID (2-day event)

Responsive Team Habits in the Age of COVID-19

This event has passed and only recordings are available.

Join responsive education leaders from across the country in a two-day virtual conference highlighting best practices on navigating through change using agile and responsive virtual practices. This conference will feature sessions on: virtual meetings; responsive practices in the age of crisis management; best practices for teaming and communication; and thinking about long-term response to the impacts of the current pandemic. Participants will hear from leaders in responsive work and become a part of a community of practitioners in responsive change management.

Recordings now available!


  • $65 (event recordings + digital swag)
  • All proceeds from this event will be donated to a non-profit supporting educational equity

Learn More & Register Here



Designing Student-Centered Learning Opportunities (2-day event)

This event has passed and only recordings are available.

Join innovative education leaders from across the country in a two-day virtual conference highlighting the latest trends in student-centered learning. This conference will feature sessions on: personalized learning; remote learning; equity in education; competency-based education; school design; and managing change.

This conference includes: A keynote speaker each day, expert facilitators that focus on different aspects of student-centered learning such as equity, assessment and instructional design, and collaboration opportunities to share ideas with educators from across the country.

Recordings now available!


  • $65 (event recordings + digital swag)
  • All proceeds from this event will be donated to a non-profit supporting educational equity

Learn More & Register Here


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