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Elements of Change

Podcast Series

Stories from education leaders for education leaders about making transformational change in schools and districts.

Episode 2 - The Organization Element

Alexis Gonzales-Black, co-author of The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools, describes her experience adopting a distributed management system at Zappos and provides tips for getting started at your own school or district.

At Education Elements, we’re a rambunctious band of former educators. As we built our own team, we realized that we were creating hierarchies, processes, and roles that mirror those of our experiences in the K-12 environment. We asked ourselves, “Are there were ways to improve meetings?” “How can we free up managers time so they spend more time supporting & creating rather than managing?” and even “How can we empower all employees, not just executives, to be agents of change?” We used our own office to test the theory of distributed management by adopting holacratic structures.

Interested in maximizing the capacity of each member on your school or district team, bolstering culture and employee satisfaction, and minimizing wasted work hours? This Elements of Change episode is for you. 

You can reach out to Alexis at alexis@thoughtfulorg.com, or find her on Twitter @AGonzalesblack.


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Episode 1 - The Better Teams Element

In the inaugural episode, we sit down with our own Anthony Kim, founder and CEO of Education Elements, to discuss his new book with co-author Alexis Gonzalez-Black, The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools. In this episode, Anthony talks about his experiences working with talented leaders who find themselves struggling to optimize their team’s potential. In their book, Anthony and Alexis explore practical rules and practices we can exercise to ensure that teams are able to work in ways that move them closer to, instead of hold them back from, achieving their goals for student achievement.

You'll hear Anthony's insights and lessons learned from the thousands of miles he travels each year. You will discover first-hand what inspired Anthony to become a thought-leader in this space as he pulls back the curtain to talk about how he approaches his role at Education Elements, supporting districts, and as a national thought leader.



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