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Amy Jenkins
Executive Advisor

I started out as a middle school teacher in Oakland, California where I saw firsthand the challenges of meeting the needs of every student. And despite being out of the classroom for many years, I take what I learned with me there to my work with districts every day.

In the time since then, I supported the launch of an after-school program that focused on literacy, teamwork and community service, worked at NewSchools Venture Fund investing in human capital and spent five years consulting to for-profit and nonprofit organizations at the Monitor Consulting group. I am also a founding board member of Prize4Life, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for ALS. But the most rewarding role I have had is the one I hold today as a Managing Partner and the COO of Education Elements.

In my dual role I have the chance every day to split my time between focusing on how to help school districts become more dynamic and student-centered and how to make our company a wonderful place to work. Together with my colleagues we are changing what districts look like, what teaching and learning looks like, and what it looks like when every student reaches his or her highest potential.

My educational experiences and my family shaped me into who I am today. I graduated from Dartmouth College with a major in Political Science and received my MBA from Harvard Business School. I grew up in NJ and have never looked back since moving to California. My decision to go into education started with a course in college but has only intensified since having children. When I am not at work I can be found chasing my spirited girls.

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Amy Jenkins, COO and Managing Partner Family Photo  Amy Jenkins, COO and Managing Partner Hiking Photo

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Articles by Amy

An Open Letter to the K-12 Community and a Love Letter for Education Elements

Dear K-12 Education Community, With just a few days left working at Education Elements, I am penning my last blog post (my 45th to be exact!) and this one is both an open letter to the education community and a love letter to my team. To be honest, I couldn’t choose between the two and decided this could serve as both.

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How school districts are leveraging Twitter to become rock stars

In a climate where Twitter is the center of so many tempestuous news stories, schools should be turning to the social media giant now more than ever—here’s why.

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The Biggest Challenge to Personalized Learning Is Getting Buy-In

Until recently, one of the only things people talking about personalized learning could agree upon was that there was nothing standardized about it. There is no single accepted definition, nor is there a single right approach or way to measure its impact.

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Akshaya Patra: Feeding India's Schoolchildren

“The big thing to worry about now is scalability. How to run such a huge operation on a consistent basis with worries about quality and consistency of food… We’ve gone from 60,000 to over 500,000 children. Now we want to get to one million. How do we do that?”

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UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING Blended Learning Teaching Practices

Education Elements has been privileged to work with schools from coast to coast that have fundamentally changed the student experience by shifting to a model that enables personalized learning. These schools have transformed learning by leveraging technology and blending learning to better meet students needs.

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Communicating Personalized Learning to Families and Stakeholders: Terminology, Tools and Tips for Success

We know the challenges that come with communicating about personalized learning. Between navigating the journey, and managing misconceptions and uncertainty, it can become an enormous task to accomplish. This white paper will help create an inclusive and effective dialogue to get families and other stakeholders excited about personalized learning.

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