
Personalized Learning for Every Student with Highlight

Written by Caroline Vander Ark | Jul 19, 2015 5:02:00 PM

Highlight from Education Elements is a cloud based personalized learning platform (PLP) being used in over 100 schools across the country serving more than 60,000 students.

So what makes a PLP different than an LMS? Anthony Kim had this to say on the Education Elements blog about the job of the PLP: “a) to help students access & discover learning resources from a variety of different sources; b) to support teachers in collecting and analyzing the significant amount of information required to personalize learning for students every day.” Ed Elements has set out to help make data actionable for educators and unlock the potential of any teacher to personalize learning for every student.

Highlight solves three problems for school districts:



This article originally appeared on Getting Smart. Read the entire article here.