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Volume 5 - December 2018

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Welcome to the fifth edition of the Personalized Learning in New York newsletter!

This quarterly newsletter connects New York state, district, and school leaders in personalized learning, as well as those interested in starting the work.

Want to be featured? Want to speak with a district doing amazing work? Contact Angela Chubb at



Capacity Building is the Theme of the Season!

We’ve loved spending time with our district partners this fall, supporting and stepping back as district-grown leadership emerges to lead and scale Personalized Learning in New York.

Emerging leaders may be interested in our new blog posts:

  • Leading With Intention offers some practical strategies for focusing on your purpose, making deliberate decisions, and distributing power--tactics that could be helpful as you deepen and expand your PL implementation.
  • As you set up systems in your organizations to address problems, how can you be sure you  aren't creating more problems to solve in the future? What is Your Cobra? encourages you to consider how the "cobra effect" could be impacting your team.

Ed Element’s PL Summit 2019 Registration is NOW LIVE!

PL Summit Dec NY NL ImageJoin a community of 750 district and school leaders, personalized learning practitioners, and national experts in Atlanta, Georgia on May 14-16th for the Personalized Learning Summit 2019! Get your early bird ticket today at 20% off the regular price at:




Core Four Day At Dundee

Dec NY NL Spotlight ImageThe Scots of Dundee Central School District have been busy this fall working to enhance their use of PL by focusing on developing their capacity to support Project-Based Learning (PBL) and using data-driven decision making to ensure the needs of every student are being met. Building on their PL work from the last several years, Dundee is now poised to drive their own learning and on Nov. 14th of this year, they held their "Core 4 Day" with teacher teams leading the entire staff on strategies and best practices around using data to inform their instructional decisions.

Peer Walks With Romulus

Screen Shot 2018-12-10 at 9.49.44 AMRomulus Central School District has been working hard to build capacity for learning walks and district-led professional development in personalized learning.  

Ed Elements has collaborated with this district to facilitate two rounds of peer walks in elementary and secondary classrooms. Teachers and administrators are excited to continue iterating and innovating on Learning Walks. EE is excited to see how this method of professional development continues to evolve and drive student success in this district.


Cross-District Collaboration - Dundee And Geneva

Teachers have also been participating in cross-district collaboration with Dundee and Geneva, which has been organized by the districts to share best-practices.

Marion Central Learning Walks

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Marion Central School District is also joining the collaborative learning among New York Districts – their teachers joined Learning Walks in Syracuse City Schools to bring their perspective and gather new ideas.

Syracuse Design Challenge

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Speaking of Syracuse City Schools...The Syracuse City School District is holding their first district-wide Design Challenge! A Design Challenge is an opportunity for educators across the city to shape the future of learning. The December challenge is for teachers to determine how students might use a variety of communication mediums (written, oral, digital, visual) to demonstrate mastery on common academic tasks and projects.

48 participants took part in the design challenge, sharing 15 innovative proposals with district leaders.

Anthony Joins Putnam Book Club

Anthony Kim, CEO of Ed Elements, is joining Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES’ book club as a number of assistant superintendents across the region are engaging in a virtual book study reading The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools. The book club has been discussing the ways in which the leaders can implement the practices in their own districts to build more responsive organizations.




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The Newburgh Enlarged City School District has embarked on an important mission this year - redesigning the school experience at their middle levels (grades 6-8). To kick-off this work, the Education Elements team – along with our Innovator-in-Residence, Kawai Lai – led the Newburgh district leadership team and middle level principals in a strategy session so that everyone had an opportunity to align on a common understanding of purpose and direction. Check out these visuals from our session!



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Pine Valley Elementary School students (Pine Valley Central School District) enjoying voice and choice by the fire. 

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This is the time of year when we take stock personally and professionally – as we reflect back on 2018, we are amazed by all of the inspiring work we’ve seen our district partners do to improve the school experience for students. Thank you for your partnership, and for all you do for your students, teachers, and communities.

We look forward to connecting with you in the new year, and if you’d like to schedule a time to chat, just email Angela Chubb at


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Personalized Learning: The Present and Future of Education. Everything you need to know about personalized learning and how to implement it successfully.

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