
Teacher To Teacher: My Journey To Personalized Learning

Written by Kaeleigh Lawrence | May 8, 2017 8:18:00 PM

I first heard about personalized learning during a meeting with my former principal. He began talking about how the district was looking into moving towards personalized learning through a blended learning model, and all I thought was, “Oh, this is just another educational fad.”

Fast forward a few weeks and conversations later, and the excitement had become contagious. I found myself yearning to see just what this craze was all about.

My Search For Answers

First I took to Google and through my searching got many different ideas of what blended learning looks like in a first-grade classroom. To sift through it all, I set up a meeting with the school instructional specialist and she told me about Coursera, an online resource with free classes and videos for educators about blended learning. I loved seeing what this teaching method actually looked like in a REAL classroom.


This article appeared originally on Getting Smart. Read the full article here.