
Communications Tips for School Leaders

Written by Antony Kim and Kira Keane | Mar 14, 2017 3:00:00 PM

There are many elements critical to the success of change management initiatives, including those involving blended and personalized learning. Having worked with almost 200 districts across two organizations, we have learned that communications is one of the areas districts have the least experience with, but which can have the biggest impact. That's why we've designed a communications guide for school leaders and districts, with tips, examples and resources. Here's where to start:

  • Plan first, then worry about tactics. It is really easy to come up with a list of great tweets. Harder is developing clear goals for communications, determining key messages and audiences and developing a comprehensive approach to communications. Take the time to come up with a strategy before you dive into tactics - you will be much more effective.
  • Listen, don’t just talk. Too many communications strategies focus on what a district is going to tell its stakeholders. Just as important is listening to what your stakeholders have to say. Whether its teachers, leaders or community members, it is important to make sure you have two-way communications. Think about how to use Twitter, surveys, and town-hall style meetings for your communications. Don’t forget the power of small groups and 1:1s when possible. Build a culture of engagement, transparency, and trust....



This article originally appeared on Edsurge. Read the full article here.