B.Y.O.T Bring Your Own Thoughts
The latest on all student-centered models, leadership development, strategic planning, teacher retention, and all things innovation in K-12 education. We answer questions before you think to ask them.
Education Elements | Personalized Learning | School Districts
Put on your cowboy boots, it's about to get personalized in Nashville, TN. After an inspirational tour of personalized learning hotspots in Music City, your friends at Education Elements have put together the ultimate PL day-trip. We hope the guide below helps you to decide where to go to see the variety of strategies and approaches schools are taking on the journey toward personalized learning.
Curriculum Strategy & Adoption | Personalized Learning
Data-driven decision making is a foundation of personalized learning. From the grouping of students, to strategic assignment of content, to keeping track of each student’s personalized learning paths, data is essential for making every decision along the way. When it comes to data and decision-making, digital content providers offer an array of reports. The number of reports can be overwhelming and how to use them can be confusing. Below are five of the most common types of content provider data and how to use them to drive your personalized learning classroom.
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